Sentence example with the word 'subdivisions'


Last update: August 26, 2015


Clusters of sixties and seventies-style subdivisions had blossomed during the post-war era of rush to the 'burbs. These look-alikes that originally carried names like Camelot or South Pacific were at first scorned by Parkside's gentry but had slowly gained a level of respectability.   [Please select]


These little compositions have themselves subdivisions of varied inner meanings.   [Please select]


The best-armed and best-born, for the words were synonymous, were placed in front of each of these irregular subdivisions.   [Please select]


Birds are crossing over the area in three directions, equally spaced, so that each of the subdivisions is traversed by three of them.   [Please select]


He is very interested in one of my principal subdivisions, i.   [Please select]


This division may be carried out by the method given under "Subdivisions of Graduations."   [Please select]


Of importance to the present study are two subdivisions of the Great Plains, the Colorado Piedmont and the Raton Section.   [Please select]

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subdivision - subdivisions - subduct