Sentence example with the word 'subpoenas'


Last update: July 9, 2015


A Board of Arbitration (1895) has authority to make and publish investigations of all facts relating to strikes and lock-outs, to issue subpoenas for the attendance and testifying of witnesses, and "to adjust strikes or lock-outs by mediation or conciliation, without a formal submission to arbitration."   [Please select]


We pictured you locking up drunken men, serving subpoenas, and selling widows' farms over their heads.   [Please select]


It saved me the trouble of serving subpoenas on you.   [Please select]


Ismay's plans had been to return immediately to England, and he had wired that the steamer Cedric be held for himself and officers and members of the crew; but public sentiment and subpoenas of the Senate's investigating committee prevented.   [Please select]

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subpoenaed - subpoenas - subpubic