Sentence example with the word 'subtler'


Last update: August 22, 2015


He will endeavour to awake subtler emotions, as yet unnamed.   [Please select]


There is no subtler, no surer means of overturning the existing basis of society than to debauch the currency.   [Please select]


But as soon as the subtler differentiation is needed, the judgment of all concerned seems helpless and the physical characteristics remain disregarded.   [Please select]


The question is a nice one, and I gladly leave it for subtler casuists than I to settle.   [Please select]


I inquired mechanically, divining some subtler explanation of this visit, and wondering what on earth it could be.   [Please select]


All of which amused Grace Ferrall infinitely until the subtler significance of the girl's mental processes struck her, sobering her own thoughts.   [Please select]


Something subtler, more crafty, had to be contrived to meet the emergency.   [Please select]


We have our botany; the Crioceris has hers, which is subtler in its appreciation of affinities.   [Please select]


Britling's peculiar affection, and with it there interwove still tenderer and subtler elements, for the boy had a score of Mary's traits.   [Please select]


There are two kinds of corruption,--the crude and obvious sort, which consists in direct bribery, and the much subtler, more dangerous, sort, which consists in a corruption of the will.   [Please select]


I was not; but instinct, subtler than reason, showed me the one safe clue by which to lead this troubled soul from the labyrinth in which it groped and nearly fell.   [Please select]

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subtleness - subtler - subtlest