Sentence example with the word 'superscription'


address, billhead, direction, epigraph, heading, legend, name and address, rubric, scarehead, spreadhead, subheading, title page

Definition n. an inscription written above something else

Last update: June 28, 2015


Was for a long while largely struck with Alexander's 3 own image and superscription; the gold and silver coined in the names of Antigonid and Seleucid kings and by the minor principalities of Asia, kept to the Attic standard which Alexander had established.   [Please select]


He looked at the superscription: "To Monsieur, Monsieur le Baron Pommerci."   [Please select]


The superscription told me nothing.   [Please select]


It was the superscription on the envelope and the gold letters on the black ribbon that were holding her attention.   [Please select]


At once he recognized the bold, handsome superscription as that of his kind-hearted brother-in-law, Thomas Lawrence.   [Please select]


The body of a man was graven by such a superscription.   [Please select]


Vigo pondered the superscription slowly, not much at home with the work of a quill, save those that winged arrows.   [Please select]

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