Sentence example with the word 'superstructures'


Last update: June 27, 2015


Peace, he thought, might be made "if men would not call all opinions by the name of religion, and superstructures by the name of fundamental articles."   [Please select]


Ceadwalla's tomb, forgotten, and perhaps concealed by superstructures, was brought to light again towards the end of the sixteenth century.   [Please select]


In the preceding examples the passageway was covered throughout its length by rooms, but cases occur in both Tusayan and Cibola in which only portions of the roof form the floor of superstructures.   [Please select]


Then came a real rebuff from the governor of Cartagena, followed by a terrific storm 'which so beat the _Jesus_ that we cut down all her higher buildings' (deck superstructures).'   [Please select]

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superstructure - superstructures - supersubtle