Sentence example with the word 'supinator'


Definition n. a muscle

Last update: September 10, 2015


The long supinator, passing obliquely downwards and inwards, divides, in fact, the forearm into two parts: one supero-internal, the other infero-external.   [Please select]


Deeply situated at the region of the elbow, the short supinator has little interest for us.   [Please select]


The humerus is remarkable for the great development of the supinator ridge.   [Please select]


This displacement being a little more considerable in the felide, the long supinator is a little further developed than it is in the canine species; but, notwithstanding, it is only rudimentary.   [Please select]


We know that, in this case, the epicondyle is exposed, because the muscles which mask it in supination (long supinator and long radial extensor) are displaced and set it free during flexion.   [Please select]

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