Sentence example with the word 'supplanting'


agency, commutation, deputation, displacement, power of attorney, replacement, subrogation, supersedence, supersedure, supplantation, switch, vicariousness

Definition n. act of taking the place of another especially using underhanded tactics

Last update: September 25, 2015


Cuba, (4 tom., Madrid, 1868-1878; supplanting his Ensayo historico de.   [Please select]


(Probably a general impression that "that" cannot be used to refer to persons has assisted "who" in supplanting "that" as a relative.)   [Please select]


She undertook, first of all, to have a light and gracefully curving stairway leading to her salon instead of supplanting it.   [Please select]


Or is he so sure of his standing that he fears no supplanting.   [Please select]


And these vassals were supplanting native humanity as the plant was supplanting the native products of the soil.   [Please select]


At the bottom of her heart, Lilias could not quite forgive Carmel for supplanting her brother at the Chase.   [Please select]


These include: (a) vocal threat, (b) head-forward threat, (c) wing-flicking and sub-maximal tail-fanning, (d) ruffling and maximum tail-fanning, and (e) supplanting attack.   [Please select]


Sumner to take command of the Military Department of the Pacific with headquarters at San Francisco, supplanting General Albert Sidney Johnston who resigned to fight for the South.   [Please select]


Steam-power is largely supplanting water-power in the manufacturing enterprises, and in many instances the establishments have been moved to tide-water in order to get their coal at the lowest rates of transportation.   [Please select]

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supplanters - supplanting - supplants