Sentence example with the word 'supplicant'


appellant, asker, beggar, beseecher, entreating, importunate, petitioner, pleader, praying, suitor, supplicating, supplicatory

Definition adj. humbly entreating

Last update: July 24, 2015


I went to my room and reread Joseph Alexeevich's letters and recalled my conversations with him, and deduced from it all that I ought not to refuse a supplicant, and ought to reach a helping hand to everyone-- especially to one so closely bound to me--and that I must bear my cross.   [Please select]


This unhappy captive, this suffering supplicant, could still draw into her net any man who did not possess the cool watchfulness which panoplied his soul.   [Please select]


Worthington, this bank president who had given him sage advice, this preacher of political purity, had been reduced to a frenzied supplicant.   [Please select]


So not as a supplicant did he come to her, but as one who demanded fiercely love for love.   [Please select]


My guardian threw his supplicant off with supreme indifference, and left him dancing on the pavement as if it were red hot.   [Please select]


Baxter laughed a laugh that chilled the supplicant through and through.   [Please select]


"I'll bet I won't," replied Johnny, gruffly, as he drew the basket out of the reach of the supplicant.   [Please select]

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suppliants - supplicant - supplicants