Sentence example with the word 'surfeited'


allayed, chock-full, crowded, filled, gorged, overburdened, overgorged, overweighted, round, sick of, supersaturated, with enough of

Last update: October 12, 2015


Surfeited with glory, 2 The grant of the first-fruits was to be made contingent on a concession from the Irish clergy in the shape of the abolition of the sacramental test.   [Please select]


This young man had been surfeited with noise and light, with the sham and glitter of hotels, clubs and restaurants.   [Please select]


The Confederate soldiers were surfeited with fighting, but the "stay-at-home" element was often a cause of trouble.   [Please select]


The head is broken in on the instant and Mooween eats till he is surfeited.   [Please select]


Fortunately he was not in a very pugnacious mood, being surfeited with his late meal.   [Please select]


The country was now all brown and green; and, surfeited with beauty, it seemed to me that here was nothing great.   [Please select]


When the shade comes, mother and sons go down again, surfeited with solar emanations.   [Please select]


But, by that time, the huntress is surfeited: she wants so little.   [Please select]


The soap not allowing the perfume to evaporate very fast, we cannot be surfeited with the smell of the otto.   [Please select]


Many, already surfeited, tried to resist, but had to yield eventually before the pleading countenance of the maidens.   [Please select]


All her old cravings, never satisfied in the old days of peace without and insurgence within, had been surfeited by this close personal contact with the greatest drama in history.   [Please select]

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