Sentence example with the word 'swerving'


aberrancy, circuitousness, detour, devious, divergence, erratic, labyrinthine, roving, slant, turn, veering

Definition n. the act of turning aside suddenly

Last update: July 11, 2015


These Varro classes all under the head of " declinatio," which implies a swerving aside from a type.   [Please select]


She walked straight on, neither quickening nor slackening her pace nor swerving, although his body began unsteadily to intercept hers.   [Please select]


But who is not aware that the profession of multimillionaire does not allow of any swerving from duty or of any interests requiring leisure.   [Please select]


The Mexican fell to the ground and his horse, swerving to one side, galloped on.   [Please select]


Voltaire, although never swerving long from his own general philosophical scheme, would lie without hesitation for any purpose.   [Please select]


--frantically, as the hare runs and as the crow flies, without swerving--on, with the sole aim of gaining time and covering distance.   [Please select]

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swerves - swerving - swift