Sentence example with the word 'syncope'


abbreviation, blackout, compression, duple time, kayo, nirvana, pruning, rubato, stupor, telescoping, triple time

Definition n. a spontaneous loss of consciousness caused by insufficient blood to the brain

Last update: December 9, 2015


And indeed, for the time, she felt as if drowning, overwhelmed in vast waters, sinking, sinking into the black abyss of syncope.   [Please select]


"Well," went on the questioner, "art struck with a syncope that thou dost nothing but gape and stare at me."   [Please select]


It also exerts a specific effect on the heart, frequently causing death from syncope.   [Please select]


Samuel escaped to Prilip, but when he beheld the return of 15,000 of his troops who had been captured and blinded by the Greeks he died of syncope.   [Please select]


Remember, there was not a shadow of doubt in the minds of the medical experts that the Grand Duke had died from syncope.   [Please select]

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syncopations - syncope - syncretic