Sentence example with the word 'talkativeness'


Definition n. the quality of being wordy and talkative

Last update: August 1, 2015


It has been supposed by many that he lived to a great age, and argued that "the never-to-be-mistaken fundamental tone of his performance is the quiet talkativeness of a highly cultivated, tolerant, intelligent, old man" (Dahlmann).   [Please select]


Rand kept silence, and his late second, at first inclined to talkativeness, soon fell under the infection and stared blankly at the fence corners.   [Please select]


All his usual cheerful talkativeness had disappeared since the revival meetings had begun in Avonlea.   [Please select]


And the future Buddha, wanting to cure this talkativeness of his, was constantly seeking for some means of doing so.   [Please select]


To dream of standing by and seeing a loom operated by a stranger, denotes much vexation and useless irritation from the talkativeness of those about you.   [Please select]


She placed a chair, and the lady sank into it, finding the quiet of the shadowed room pleasant enough after the sunlight and talkativeness of the world without.   [Please select]

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talkatively - talkativeness - talked