Sentence example with the word 'tatars'


Last update: September 25, 2015


But he never felt at home in Poland, and bestowed his favour principally upon his fellow-countrymen, the most notable of whom was the wealthy Lithuanian magnate Michael Glinsky, who justified his master's confidence by his great victory over the Tatars at Kleck (August 5, 1506), the news of which was brought to Alexander on his deathbed.   [Please select]


In pursuing the Tatars he entered Russia and sacked and burned some of the Russian cities.   [Please select]


--The Bulgars are descended from a non-Slavic race allied to the Tatars and Finns.   [Please select]


Turk and Tatar The Tatars had arrived, swiftly and noiselessly, and a dozen of the warriors, still mounted, were surrounding him.   [Please select]


Then, shouting to his friends the Tatars for assistance, they rushed in a body upon the gate and dashed it open.   [Please select]


The Tatars willingly allowed him to search the fellow, and in one of his pockets Rob found the Record of Events.   [Please select]

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tatar - tatars - tater