Sentence example with the word 'teched'


Last update: September 14, 2015


He had hard work gittin' her home, an' Uncle Billy hain't teched a drap since.   [Please select]


Nothin' 'cep' fish should be teched with the naked fingers, dad says.'   [Please select]


I'll fetch you everything on the place it's likely a redbird ever teched, airly in the mornin' if you'll say you'll stay an' wave your torch 'long my river bank this summer.   [Please select]


Ef thar's a hair o' eyther o' thar heads teched, you'll hear the crack o' Walt Wilder's rifle, and see its bullet go into the breast o' him as harms 'em.   [Please select]

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teazled - teched - technic