Sentence example with the word 'thinned'


adulterated, attenuate, cut, diluted, fine, gaseous, rare, reduced, subtile, tenuous, thinned-out, uncompressed, vaporous, watered-down

Definition adj. mixed with water

Last update: July 16, 2015


The island, thinned of its former inhabitants, had become the home of immense herds of wild cattle; and it became the habitaf smugglers to provision at Santo Domingo.   [Please select]


San Domingo in Hispaniola (Hayti) was made in due course, but only after a virulent epidemic had seriously thinned the ranks.   [Please select]


Hen's mouth thinned down to a straight line as he started the car.   [Please select]


After a while the fall of snow thinned somewhat, but the wind did not decrease.   [Please select]


The darkness thinned away as the moon and stars came out in a perfect sky of southern blue.   [Please select]


It thinned after a while, however, as the storm rolled away.   [Please select]


When it thinned and drew together again, the Shape was gone.   [Please select]


The sledge and short rations had thinned him down, and his ribs could be easily traced.   [Please select]


These Indians were the Pokanokets, whose number had been very much thinned by the pestilence.   [Please select]


The latter retreated even faster than they had charged, but by the time they reached the shelter of their own lines their number had been thinned by fully three-fourths.   [Please select]


Thus they stood patiently, while the rain thinned and the sun at last showed a red edge through floating clouds.   [Please select]

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thinly - thinned - thinner