Sentence example with the word 'thrashings'


Last update: June 19, 2015


In a double chair sat Lavinia, bundled up as usual, and the amiable Amanda, both flushed with constant pokings and thrashings of their steed.   [Please select]


III To give O'Rane his due, for nine days out of ten--or, in less diplomatic language, between thrashings--he caused us singularly little trouble.'   [Please select]


Most of these women are innocent of toothbrushes, and give and receive thrashings, and sing songs without a fastidious taste, and beat their servants and nag their husbands.   [Please select]


When daylight came, the question in his mind was still, whether to stay and starve, or to go home and get two thrashings--one from his daddy, and another from the monks.   [Please select]


He would even have put up with the thrashings they got from their father, just for the sake of enjoying the mischief that purchased the punishment.   [Please select]

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thrashing - thrashings - thrasonical