Sentence example with the word 'thrived'


Last update: July 9, 2015


In spite of being a mediocre athlete at best, Dean had thrived on sports.   [Please select]


Like the goats left by the American captain, Porter, on Nuka-hiva, they thrived and multiplied, but like the goats they are being massacred.   [Please select]


Under this sort of treatment most of the thirty million babies in the hatchery lived and thrived.   [Please select]


There was a greenish-tinted person in the tent, it seemed, who thrived upon a reptilian diet.   [Please select]


All but one of them lived and thrived and raised children.   [Please select]


So, as you can see, my parents thrived and grew rich--if you count children as wealth.   [Please select]


Here thrived a bulbous root, much loved by the red man, and here lazy Pottawatomies gathered in the fall to dig it.   [Please select]


Thus, with Oglethorpe to direct it, and with Tomochichi as its friend, the little Georgia Colony was founded, thrived and flourished.   [Please select]


Thus little Duskymane became her sole charge; all her strength was devoted to feeding him, and he thrived apace.   [Please select]


Inexorable economics had dried the heart from the old tradition; and in the sudden vacuum thus created there moved and thrived anomalous little creatures who never knew that they had lost all touch with reality.   [Please select]


But somehow the bad men seemed unable to transplant to this new and richer soil the banefulness that had thrived so successfully in the land of sage-brush and cactus.   [Please select]

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thrive - thrived - thriven