Sentence example with the word 'throngs'


Last update: July 20, 2015


Four stops later, she rose and tucked the book away, wading through the throngs of people to the door as the train slowed.   [Please select]


The sacred edifices were thronged with eager crowds, and the ceremonies were in full progress, when the assembled throngs were suddenly startled from their devotions.   [Please select]


The day was calm and very clear, so that the throngs of spectators on shore could see every feature of the battle.   [Please select]


The Wolf sought the most crowded side and mingled with the throngs.   [Please select]


If in the throngs on the streets there were often marked contrasts, Keith was too exhilarated to remark it--at least, at first.   [Please select]


With flutter of swift wings and songs Together rose the feathered throngs, And singing scattered far apart; Deep peace was in St.   [Please select]


The only thing to fear for the barren-ground caribou throngs is disease,--a factor that is beyond human prediction.   [Please select]


Throngs of weary shoppers were crowding out, and a very respectable stream of them were forcing their way in.   [Please select]


This kept the throngs back effectually and gave the aviators clear space for their starting maneuvers.   [Please select]


All over town were dusky throngs exercising their strong untrained voices "in de Lard's sarvice"; though the West Indian is not noted as being musical.   [Please select]


Before the first streaks of daylight there came the crowding throngs of workingmen, shivering, and swinging their dinner pails as they hurried by.   [Please select]

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thronging - throngs - throstle