Sentence example with the word 'thundercloud'


alto-cumulus, broken mirror, cirrus cloud, cloud street, cumulo-nimbus, fleecy cloud, mushroom cloud, premonitory symptom, red light, storm petrel, warning signal

Definition n. a dark cloud of great vertical extent charged with electricity

Last update: July 24, 2015


In May 1791 the thundercloud burst, and a public rupture between Burke and Fox took place in the House of Commons.   [Please select]


Horn grew as black as a thundercloud, and he cursed the group of pale-faced men who had elected to journey eastward with him.   [Please select]


The peril had burst over the heads of the little party like a thundercloud; and now it had cleared, and all was sunshine again.   [Please select]


When she saw how much she was mistaken she looked as black as a thundercloud.   [Please select]


Against the grey rock of the kopjes it showed no more than a crow against a thundercloud.   [Please select]


The thundercloud had come still lower and the room was dark, the coals in the fireplace being now covered with grey ashes.   [Please select]

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thunderclaps - thundercloud - thunderclouds