Sentence example with the word 'topmost'


acmatic, capital, controlling, foremost, highest, maximal, most, overruling, premier, ranking, tip-top, upmost, zenithal

Definition adj. at or nearest to the top

Last update: June 21, 2015


The youngest polyp of the system is the one nearest to the topmost polyp; and the axis of the system is a true axis.   [Please select]


La Folle seated herself upon the topmost step of the veranda.   [Please select]


Is there anything characteristic about the topmost room, for instance.   [Please select]


CHAPTER XIX High up in one of the topmost chambers of the Hotel Plaza, Nikasti, after his conference with Von Schwerin and Fischer, sought solitude.   [Please select]


The big rooster on the topmost perch stretched his long neck, flapped his wings, and crowed at the top of his voice.   [Please select]


Why on the topmost bough do you get, Little bird so gray.   [Please select]


CHAPTER IV ON THE TRAIL With Bud in the advance, urging his pony to topmost speed, Nort and Dick followed.   [Please select]


The sides of each lift, or ring, except the topmost, have a section shaped somewhat like the letter N.   [Please select]


A point, I, on A is exactly over the topmost point of C.   [Please select]


His head was exactly the shape of a pear with the sharp end topmost.   [Please select]


In the topmost diagram the object is so far away from the lens that all rays coming from a single point in it are practically parallel.   [Please select]

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topminnow - topmost - topnotch