Sentence example with the word 'topographically'


Definition adv. with regard to topography

Last update: September 9, 2015


These minor ranges, excepting the Zenta, are separated from the Andean masses by comparatively low depressions and are usually described as distinct ranges; topographically, however, they seem to form a continuation of the ranges running southward from the Santa Victoria and forming the eastern rampart of the great central plateau of which the Puna de Atacama covers a large part.   [Please select]


Topographically, the trail covered nearly six hundred miles of rolling prairie, intersected here and there by streams fringed with timber.   [Please select]


Some of these data seem at first glance to fit the idea of narrow topographically-oriented flight lanes rather nicely.   [Please select]


Topographically, the peninsula is a low-level plain that rises gradually inland to the south.   [Please select]


The Elk River Basin resembles the Big Caney River Basin topographically.   [Please select]


The region known as the Tyrol is topographically continuous with Switzerland, and the people have Swiss characteristics.   [Please select]


Summer molt begins, topographically, in the region of the head and progresses posteriorly to the base of the tail, for, the tail does not molt into summer pelage.   [Please select]


The tip, dorsally, has a slight depression surrounded by knobs, which are more or less well defined, and which resemble, topographically, the spines described for _Spermophilus_ (see fig.)   [Please select]

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