Sentence example with the word 'torpedo'


aerial torpedo, bolt, commence firing, eradicator, guided missile, homing torpedo, missile, pistol, rocket, snipe at, thug

Definition n. a professional killer who uses a gun

Last update: September 5, 2015


Torpedos destroy the ship.   [Please select]


The receiving-dock and the anchorage for torpedo boats, with its wide landing-stage, form dependencies.   [Please select]


Within the harbor were four large Spanish ships and two new, fast torpedo-boat destroyers, all commanded by Admiral Cervera.   [Please select]


'I would like to get the new torpedo-boat and go down the Yang-tse-Kiang to the blockading squadron.'   [Please select]


Nobody wants to waste a whole mine on a poor little torpedo boat destroyer--and twenty to forty men.   [Please select]


The transports, on their voyage, were convoyed by British and American torpedo boats destroyers, cruisers and other ships of war.   [Please select]


Three cruisers and a pair of torpedo boat destroyers showed the way.   [Please select]


At a quick command from Lord Hastings the Lawrence veered sharply to starboard--and a torpedo from the nearest submarine flashed by harmlessly.   [Please select]


Before the submarine could launch a second torpedo, a shell from the Huron struck her squarely amidships.   [Please select]


There was an explosion as a torpedo found the hull of the destroyer Halifax.   [Please select]


Yet no sooner did he feel shoal water under his ponderous belly than he backed like a torpedo boat, and the snarl of the reel told me that my labor was in vain.   [Please select]

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toros - torpedo - torpedoed