Sentence example with the word 'trait'


acculturation, cachet, countenance, demeanor, feature, image, lines, odor, quirk, smack, token

Definition n. a distinguishing feature of your personal nature

Last update: May 12, 2016


Perseverance is a good trait that one should possess.   [noun]


Individuals with sickle cell trait, although generally asymptomatic, can develop symptoms of sickling if exposed to very low oxygen pressures.   [noun]


The common trait is that they are all mothers or someone 's favorite auntie.   [noun]


The most important thing they have acquired--a rare trait with ordinary school children--is the love of study, the desire to know, to be informed.   [noun]


She rigidly exacted from other women the chaste reserve which was a marked trait in her own character.   [noun]


The youthful trait is to take kindly to a clutter of unfinished tasks.   [noun]


But with all this most unfavourable exterior, there was one trait in the features of both which argued alertness and intelligence in the most uncommon degree.   [noun]


It is an adult trait to stick to a task, even though a very long one, until it is accomplished.   [noun]


But here comes in another trait; it is found, though his angles are of so generous contents, the lines do not meet; the apex is not quite defined.   [noun]


Of late he had exhibited a new trait that tormented Princess Mary more than anything else; this was his ever-increasing intimacy with Mademoiselle Bourienne.   [noun]


Every trait and every movement of the Tsar's seemed to him enchanting.   [noun]

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traipsing - trait - traitor