Sentence example with the word 'transalpine'


Definition adj. on or relating to or characteristic of the region or peoples beyond the Alps from Italy

Last update: July 21, 2015


As such it was assigned to Julius Caesar, together with Transalpine Gaul, and it was not till he crossed the Rubicon that he entered Italy in the strict sense of the term.   [Please select]


He became the defender of Rome and Italy against a dangerous invasion of Germanic barbarians, who were ravaging Transalpine Gaul and the Po Valley.   [Please select]


An immediate result of the First Triumvirate was the appointment of Caesar as governor of Cisalpine and Transalpine Gaul.   [Please select]


--At the end of his consulship, the administration of the provinces of Cisalpine and Transalpine Gaul was assigned to Cæsar.   [Please select]


Transalpine Gaul had for its boundaries the ocean, the Pyrenees, the Mediterranean, the Alps, and the Rhine.   [Please select]


Having received from Cæsar, in 706, the government of Transalpine Gaul, he repressed, in 708, an insurrection of the Bellovaci.   [Please select]


Some of the roads, such as the transalpine railways of Europe and the Pacific roads of the United States, were greatly needed.   [Please select]


Syria and Egypt may choose Vespasian; the Transalpine legions, who favoured Vindex, may pronounce for some other.   [Please select]


--While Cæsar was in the midst of his Transalpine wars, Crassus was leading an army against the Parthians, hoping to rival there the brilliant conquests of Cæsar in Gaul.   [Please select]

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