Sentence example with the word 'trapezes'


Last update: October 22, 2015


There were little five-barred gates, and trapezes, and tight-ropes, and spring-boards, and a trestle-table, all the metal work gleaming like silver.   [Please select]


The sloughed skins form a heap at the bottom of the dwelling; on the trapezes above, the flaylings take exercise and gain strength and vigour.   [Please select]


There was ample scope for every imaginable polygon; trapezes and triangles could be combined in all sorts of ways.   [Please select]


"Freddie may have wandered back in there to try and turn a somersault on one of the trapezes."   [Please select]


Silence again while the elephants did amazing things in one ring, with Japanese tumblers in another, with piebald ponies beyond, and things being done on trapezes everywhere.   [Please select]


I bought the two rats, and a big cage was built for them, with inner stairs leading to the different stories, eating-places, bedrooms, and trapezes for gymnastics.   [Please select]

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trapeze - trapezes - trapezium