Sentence example with the word 'treetop'


Definition n. the upper branches and leaves of a tree or other plant

Last update: July 20, 2015


A monkey is sitting on the treetop .   [Please select]


But others are clumsy, and carelessly fastened to the bough, most unsafe cradles for the feathered baby on the treetop.   [Please select]


The coppice, from soaked mould to smoky treetop, hung in the twilight like a wood in Hades.   [Please select]


The robin, who had flown to his treetop, was still as all the rest.   [Please select]


By some accident he had dropped into the leafy treetop, as guiltless of any evil design as one of her own nestlings.   [Please select]


It was August, but in a treetop somewhere a solitary bird was singing.   [Please select]


The moon had been lighted and was hung in a treetop.   [Please select]


He whistled with surprise when he saw Mowgli being dragged up to a treetop and heard him give the Kite call for--"We be of one blood, thou and I."   [Please select]


The fourth, however, a perfect cast of over one hundred feet, which fell just beyond the farthest treetop, was rewarded; the water broke in a great eddy as Old Muskie took the bait.   [Please select]

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trees - treetop - treetops