Sentence example with the word 'triplicity'


Definition n. (astrology) one of four groups of the zodiac where each group consists of three signs separated from each other by 120 degrees

Last update: October 7, 2015


In philosophy his fundamental principle is that of what he calls the "triad" - a triplicity which he finds to pervade all things, which in God is "power, intelligence and love," in man "sensation, sentiment and knowledge."   [Please select]


'The nature of God, the nature of absolute mind, is to exhibit the triple movement of dialectic, and so the nature of God as presented in religion must be a triplicity, a trinity.'   [Please select]


The Delsarte system is founded upon the idea that man is a triplicity of physical, emotional, and intellectual qualities or attributes, and that the entire body and every part thereof conforms to, and expresses this triplicity.   [Please select]


SOCIABILITY, JUSTICE, EQUITE--such, in its triplicity, is the exact definition of the instinctive faculty which leads us into communication with our fellows, and whose physical manifestation is expressed by the formula: EQUALITY IN NATURAL WEALTH, AND THE PRODUCTS OF LABOR.   [Please select]

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triplicated - triplicity - tripling