Sentence example with the word 'tripoli'


Definition n. a weathered and decomposed siliceous limestone

Last update: September 17, 2015


Established himself in Antioch, leaving Tripoli to itself, and in 12J7 he procured the recognition of his nephew, Hugh II., the son of Henry I.   [Please select]


He told them that he had come to sell things to the people of Tripoli.   [Please select]


There are a good many along these Mediterranean shores of Africa, principally in Morocco and Tripoli.   [Please select]


"Because that line leads to Tripoli, and over the Great Desert."   [Please select]


Instead of founding one strong power in Syria, they split up their possessions into the three principalities of Tripoli, Antioch, and Edessa.   [Please select]


Bombardment of Tripoli--Treacherous Act of a Turkish Captain--A Quick Retribution at the Hands of Captain Decatur.   [Please select]


To them the war with Tripoli offered the very opportunity for which they longed.   [Please select]


Captain William Bainbridge was in command of the _Philadelphia_, and was detailed to help in blockading Tripoli.   [Please select]


Late in the day, February 9, 1804, the ketch left Syracuse for Tripoli, accompanied by the _Siren_, Lieutenant Stewart, to cover the retreat.   [Please select]


Italy tried her luck in Abyssinia, was disastrously defeated by the soldiers of the Negus, and consoled herself by occupying the Turkish possessions in Tripoli in northern Africa.   [Please select]


Yet this is precisely what we once did with the Barbary powers, as they were called the States of Morocco, Tunis, Tripoli, and Algiers, lying along the northern coast of Africa.   [Please select]

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tripods - tripoli - tripos