Sentence example with the word 'trouncing'


bastinado, caning, cowhiding, defeat, flagellation, lacing, overcoming, rout, strapping, switching, whipping

Definition n. a sound defeat

Last update: August 5, 2015


"She needs a trouncing, if ever a child did," and with that she and her friend resumed their shopping.   [Please select]


"What's this I hear of your joining the burghers and barristers, and trouncing poor Mr."   [Please select]


I’m going to give you the trouncing of your life.   [Please select]


It was a vigorous, breathless performance, and the manufacturers' attorney confessed afterward that she had given him a good trouncing.   [Please select]


Once, during a brief halt, when he got tangled in the traces and delayed the start, both Dave and Solleks flew at him and administered a sound trouncing.   [Please select]


"When he was a boy I gave him many a good trouncing," shouted Norman Douglas, who seemed to be referring to some one high in military circles in Charlottetown.   [Please select]

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trounced - trouncing - troupe