Sentence example with the word 'tweet'


cackle, chatter, chirk, chirrup, cluck, cronk, gabble, honk, pip, scold, tweedle, whistle

Definition n. a weak chirping sound as of a small bird

Last update: September 11, 2015


Can a child who is constantly called 'tweet itty wee singie' ever attain to any proper conception of his own being and possibilities and destiny.   [Please select]


The Swamp Sparrow is a Sparrow of the marshes whose _tweet-tweet-tweet_ many times repeated, is associated with the music of Marsh Wrens.   [Please select]


As the stream chattered, so the birds in the wood sang--Tweet.   [Please select]


The female, however, was upon the alert; and seeing these draw near, she raised her head with a loud "tweet."   [Please select]


_ Silvia could hear the twittering of the young starlings in their nests as their parents went and came carrying food, and the loud and joyful "tirr-a-wee, tirr-a-wee, prooit, tweet."   [Please select]


SWAMP SPARROW Where rails thread their way among the rushes, and red-winged blackbirds, marsh wrens, and Maryland yellow-throats like to live, there listen for the _tweet-tweet-tweet_ of the swamp sparrow.   [Please select]

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tween - tweet - tweeting