Sentence example with the word 'tweezers'


Last update: August 27, 2015


A pair of tweezers is kept on the table.   [Please select]


So, if his superiors wanted to use the carpenter for a screw-driver, all they had to do was to open that part of him, and the screw was fast: or if for tweezers, take him up by the legs, and there they were.   [Please select]


With the tweezers, I extract them one by one from their lurking-places, to examine them under the lens.   [Please select]


The splendid creature grips my fingers, grips my tweezers and insists on getting up the moment that I lay it on its back.   [Please select]


His mother took the tweezers and removed all the large thorns and many of the small ones.   [Please select]


To see tweezers in a dream, denotes uncomfortable situations will fill you with discontent, and your companions will abuse you.   [Please select]


Where the jewels are in settings, sharp instruments, as tweezers, etc.   [Please select]


An eye-tweezers for removing a piece of grit from the eye is made by folding a piece of paper in two.   [Please select]

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tweezer - tweezers - twelfth