Sentence example with the word 'unawareness'


Definition n. unconsciousness resulting from lack of knowledge or attention

Last update: September 20, 2015


So that when Madame von Marwitz sought to quell him she found herself met with a gentle unawareness, even a gentle indifference.   [Please select]


At first Archer had fancied that this detachment was the disguise of an inward tremor; but her clear eyes revealed only the most tranquil unawareness.   [Please select]


Dinner was announced and they went in, Tante keeping her arm around Karen's shoulders and sweeping ahead with an effect of unawareness as to her other guest.   [Please select]


Much of the confusion has been the result of previous workers' unfamiliarity with the animals in life and unawareness of the intraspecific geographic variation in the most widespread species.   [Please select]

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unaware - unawareness - unawares