Sentence example with the word 'uncannily'


Definition adv. in an uncanny manner

Last update: June 23, 2015


Curiously, almost uncannily calm.   [Please select]


They are absolutely ideal dogs as to temper and all the other qualities necessary for a pet and companion, and almost uncannily intelligent, but alas.   [Please select]


But he was almost uncannily able and astute, as every man found who entered the arena of diplomacy to treat with him or circumvent him.   [Please select]


Bark echoed bark above the deep mutter of the breakers, and the echoes along the cliffs answered both uncannily and mockingly.   [Please select]


"'The Diamond Gate,'" he said, peering at me uncannily, "was just a pretty amateur story."   [Please select]


They waited until night had fairly come before they went ashore and encamped, and they were off again at daybreak, despite the uncannily early hour at which it comes in that part of the world.   [Please select]


It was almost uncannily clever, the way all the latest devices for modern comfort wore, so demurely, the mask of a perfectly consistent medievalism.   [Please select]

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uncandid - uncannily - uncanniness