Sentence example with the word 'unchaperoned'


abandoned, disregarded, ignored, left undone, neglected, overlooked, passed over, pigeonholed, shunted, sidetracked, unasked, uncared-for, undone, unsolicited, unwatched

Last update: September 18, 2015


It was impossible to chaperon her every minute, and Fanny, unchaperoned, was, in the realistic phrase of her brother, "looking for trouble."   [Please select]


She was a conversational stop-gap when situations grew awkward, as they frequently must between an ensnared bachelor and an unchaperoned widow.   [Please select]


And how could he find somebody else at the eleventh hour and where and how could the twins and he live, unchaperoned as they would be, till he had.   [Please select]


And last night a certain number of these girls actually took it upon themselves to go to London--to do what, I can't say--and to return at midnight, alone and unchaperoned.   [Please select]

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unchangingness - unchaperoned - uncharacteristic