Sentence example with the word 'uncharitableness'


Last update: August 7, 2015


Envy, malice and uncharitableness are found in primitive society, as elsewhere, and in their behoof the mystic forces are not unfrequently unloosed by those who know how to do so.   [Please select]


Therefore it is the height of uncharitableness, it's a deliberate imputation of sin, to contend that I have dined already.   [Please select]


If children see temper uncontrolled, hear gossip, uncharitableness and suspicion of neighbors, witness arrogant sharp-dealing or lax honor, their own characters can scarcely escape perversion.   [Please select]


True, she troubles me sometimes, but that's only my envy and malice and all uncharitableness.   [Please select]


For there is no envy nor malice nor any uncharitableness in Ismaques.   [Please select]


This is a superficial view of the case, and misses the real point of the present envy, hatred, malice, and uncharitableness.   [Please select]

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uncharitable - uncharitableness - uncharitably