Sentence example with the word 'unconventional'


abnormal, crankish, dotty, fey, haymish, informal, not cricket, offhanded, screwy, unceremonious, way out

Definition adj. not conforming to accepted rules or standards

Last update: July 27, 2015


My father has unconventional views on women's liberty.   [Please select]


I have no doubt that al-Qaeda would use unconventional weapons if it possessed the capability to do so.   [adjective]


Its delightfully eccentric design will appeal to unconventional people who enjoy the unusual.   [adjective]


From the first his professorial lectures were conspicuous for the unconventional enthusiasm with which he endeavoured to revivify the study of the classics; and his growing reputation, added to the attention excited by a translation of Aeschylus which he published in 1850, led to his appointment in 1852 to the professorship of Greek at Edinburgh University, in succession to George Dunbar, a post which he continued to hold for thirty years.   [Please select]


” “She is usually met under rather unconventional circumstances, I believe,” he remarked dryly.   [Please select]


Well, we do certainly meet under the most unusual, not to say unconventional, circumstances, Squire Glenarm.   [Please select]


"You see, she's rather wild--a little unconventional--and I've never made love even to a sempstress."   [Please select]


She had done an unconventional thing for the sake of a principle.   [Please select]


Esme Darlington, who's an old friend of hers, thinks her too unconventional for a diplomatist's wife.   [Please select]


She's so infernally unconventional and a jury's so infernally conventional that I can't help being afraid.   [Please select]

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uncontrolled - unconventional - unconventionalities