Sentence example with the word 'undergrowths'


Last update: July 18, 2015


The state was originally covered with a dense forest mostly of hardwood timber, and although the merchantable portion of this has been practically all cut away, there are still undergrowths of young timber and a great variety of trees.   [Please select]


An inhabitant of bushy undergrowths whose snappy calls possess almost the character of human speech, so clearly and emphatically are the syllables enunciated.   [Please select]


The rich brown Pilot Bird rarely flies, but keeps low down in the dense tangles and undergrowths in country like that about Ferntree Gully.   [Please select]


Undergrowths near water, brush heaps, rocky bits of woodland, are favorite resorts.   [Please select]


However, he too really prefers the forest undergrowths near water, fallen logs, half decayed stumps, and mossy rocks where insects lurk but cannot hide from his sharp, peering eyes.   [Please select]


Apart from checking and preventing woody undergrowths it is considered advisable to keep the ground more or less free from light vegetable growths, which are roughly grouped under the heading of "weeds."   [Please select]

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undergrowth - undergrowths - underhand