Sentence example with the word 'underpaid'


Last update: October 1, 2015


At the extraordinary assembly of the clergy in 1782 he made various proposals, by one of which he sought, though in vain, to redress the most glaring grievances of the underpaid cures.   [Please select]


For women wage-earners he had no antipathy and much sympathy and consideration, although he underpaid them cheerfully when circumstances would permit.   [Please select]


Farmers were overmortgaged, laborers were underpaid, and the poor were growing poorer, while the rich were daily growing richer.   [Please select]


There is allowed but one civilian scout, who is overworked and underpaid.   [Please select]


Officers in the service were underpaid and shamefully treated by the Government.   [Please select]


The talk during lunch hour rarely, if ever, turned toward business, except as said before, when it dealt with underpaid services.   [Please select]


But he was of the Public Works Department, which is sorrowfully underpaid and wears emotions on its sleeve for policy's sake, believing of course that all the rest of the world should do the same.   [Please select]


A few days later he heard an eager-eyed young woman begging Miss Maggie for a contribution to the Pension Fund Fair in behalf of the underpaid shopgirls in Daly's.'   [Please select]

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undernourished - underpaid - underpart