Sentence example with the word 'undissolved'


Definition adj. retaining a solid form

Last update: October 5, 2015


The undissolved residue produced in either process consists chiefly of kieserite and common salt.   [Please select]


If the solution does not then clear up, the caustic soda must have been very low grade, and the undissolved substance must be arsenic.   [Please select]


Hard water may be used, but in that case considerable undissolved material, which, however, does not contain any arsenic, may be left after boiling.   [Please select]


Artificial dye-stuffs require particular attention to this point, because the presence of undissolved particles is the cause of (p.)   [Please select]


Even then there may often be seen at the bottom undissolved particles, sand, and other impurity.   [Please select]


The undissolved particles sink to the bottom of the coagulating jar or tank, and there slowly dissolve, forming local strong solutions.   [Please select]


One of these enters into solution and forms crystals unlike the first, while the other body remains undissolved.   [Please select]


The undissolved portion, which consists of wood-pulp, potassium nitrate, and other salts, is filtered off through a linen or paper filter, dried and weighed.   [Please select]


Stirring should be thorough, say for five minutes, and if there is any sediment or undissolved matter the solution should be strained through cloth before using.   [Please select]

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undisputed - undissolved - undistinguished