Sentence example with the word 'unfailingly'


Definition adv. without fail

Last update: September 10, 2015


But then he pictured his beautiful wife, her unfailingly sweet and kind nature, and refused his mind's picture of her kneeling there in the snow, calmly sawing Shipton's rope until it parted, plunging him to his bloody death.   [Please select]


Fortunately, the system of checks and proofs is so thorough that all errors are discovered unfailingly, and the consequences confined to the agency.   [Please select]


Elias Droom's inventive genius unfailingly led him toward devices that could inflict pain and discomfiture.   [Please select]


They took the precaution to get Jerry, who is unfailingly about, out of the way.   [Please select]


Crowninshield's rages were like thunderstorms--awesome while they lasted but unfailingly followed by sunshine.   [Please select]


It was Ronald, clad in pyjamas but unfailingly courteous, who invited her to enter.   [Please select]


The students in the office, to whom he was unfailingly courteous, apostrophized him as "the fox."   [Please select]


He was unfailingly courteous, with a manner toward women slightly elaborate and reminiscent of other times.   [Please select]


One must also unfailingly return a first call, even if one does not care for the acquaintance.   [Please select]


Garth lighted a cigarette--one of the first things he had learned to do for himself--and smoked contentedly, carefully placing his ash-tray, and almost unfailingly locating the ash, in time and correctly.   [Please select]


At every fresh crisis of Ottoman fortunes, and especially after every fresh Russian attack, foreign protection has unfailingly been extended to his successors.   [Please select]

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unfailing - unfailingly - unfair