Sentence example with the word 'unfitness'


Definition n. poor physical condition

Last update: August 14, 2015


The spleen continues to enlarge; the urine is now scanty and high-coloured; the body temperature is high, but the highest temperatures occur during the chill; there is considerable thirst; and there is the usual intellectual unfitness, and it may be confusion, of the feverish state.   [Please select]


So when Death calls them, 'Come,' they may not enter into enjoyment of the glorious after-life because of their unfitness.   [Please select]


He lamented his awkwardness and unfitness for the talk; but still he thought he had done right.   [Please select]


He was confirmed, too, in the belief of his own unfitness to be a leader in war.   [Please select]


The unfitness is in the soul and it's a taint and a disgrace.   [Please select]


Eloquently Barry pleaded his unfitness, instancing his failure as a preacher in his last field.   [Please select]


Gradually, indeed, the unfitness of the second chamber for judicial functions has made itself felt.   [Please select]


"[156] There is nothing to indicate any change of opinion on Susan's part regarding Lincoln's unfitness for a second term."   [Please select]


Justice, in her decisions, never regards the fitness or unfitness of objects to particular persons, but conducts herself by more extensive views.   [Please select]


I perceived the unfitness of the tie; its closeness revolted me.   [Please select]


That was the early sign in him of that sense of unfitness for the more arduous contacts of life which was so conspicuous a trait during his presidency.   [Please select]

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unfitly - unfitness - unfitnesses