Sentence example with the word 'unforced'


a beneplacito, at choice, free, intemperate, offered, self-active, uncalled-for, uninfluenced, unreined, unsolicited, willful

Definition adj. not brought about by coercion or force

Last update: October 6, 2015


They show, for example, that his extraordinary exuberances were unforced, leaping by natural impulse from an overcharged source.   [Please select]


Nevertheless, _so far as you are able_, you surely want to do the natural, right, unforced thing.   [Please select]


It was an admirable plan all right, the key-note of it being, as you no doubt will have observed, the easy unforced isolation of Rodney and the rich widow.   [Please select]


She could counterfeit despair, and unforced tears would fill her eyes; but she could not laugh and romp and simulate a gaiety that was never hers.   [Please select]

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unfond - unforced - unforeseeable