Sentence example with the word 'ungenial'


Last update: August 30, 2015


This company of faithful but not always sufficiently charitable men represented their people, so that it might be said that Israel itself (the second Isaiah's "Servant of Yahweh" - see IsAIAH) had taken up its duty, but in an ungenial spirit which grieved the All-merciful One.   [Please select]


She spoke in a hard and ungenial tone, which he had not heard her use before.   [Please select]


He was ungenial, ungainly, with large hands and feet, with poor eyesight and a stiff address.   [Please select]


This perverse poem was the last as well as the first manifestation of an ungenial mood of Mr.   [Please select]


A jog at his elbow made him turn quickly, and he found himself gazing into the detective's not ungenial face.   [Please select]


Nothing is more surprising than the amazing profusion of wild-flowers which this apparently ungenial soil produces.   [Please select]

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ungenerously - ungenial - ungenteel