Sentence example with the word 'unhackneyed'


Last update: August 10, 2015


His inspiration may be traced in some measure to the Pre-Raphaelites and also to Blake, Shelley and Maeterlinck; but he found in his native Irish legend and life matter apt for his romantic and often elfin music, with its artful simplicities and unhackneyed cadences, and its elusive, inconclusive charm.   [adjective]


He was so bold, so handsome, and he looked at life and spoke of it in such a fresh, unhackneyed spirit.   [Please select]


We have nothing to do with such a theme, but it may not be out of place to suggest to preachers and moralists that here is a striking and unhackneyed illustration of the force of early training.   [Please select]


Three or four hundred voices took up the famous battle song, as thrilling and martial as the Marseillaise, then fresh and unhackneyed, and they sang it with enthusiasm and fire, officers joining with the men.   [Please select]


Kipling, has so amazing a command of that unhackneyed vitality of phrase that most people call by the name of realism.   [Please select]

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ungulates - unhackneyed - unhailed