Sentence example with the word 'unimpressive'


back-burner, dispensable, inappreciable, inconsiderable, inferior, irrelevant, minor, negligible, not vital, small, unessential

Definition adj. not capable of impressing

Last update: September 25, 2015


His presentation was unimpressive.   [Please select]


A man of small stature and unimpressive appearance, he was somewhat lame from birth, a fact which was used as an argument against his succession, an oracle having warned Sparta against a "lame reign."   [Please select]


Physically an unimpressive figure, small and slight, yet he seemed charged with concentrated energy waiting release.   [Please select]


A clerk on a high stool, poring over a ledger, is not unimpressive, or a cook over her stove.   [Please select]


Its accessories for the time being were even more than ordinarily unimpressive.   [Please select]


In these surroundings, the judge took on an added impressiveness, and he was not an unimpressive-looking man.   [Please select]


By her favor, he studied with his microscopic gaze the beau monde of Louis Philippe's rather unimpressive court.   [Please select]


The militiamen tore away the posters, but the strikers fell in behind their leaders and straggled off, a thin unimpressive trickle between steel-glinting lines of soldiers.   [Please select]

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unimpressed - unimpressive - unimproved