Sentence example with the word 'unmoored'


Last update: July 9, 2015


She unmoored her husband's fishing boat, which, but two days before, he had guided over the seas to obtain food for his family.   [Please select]


Accordingly the two Saxons returned at once to the Dragon, and as soon as the tide turned unmoored and proceeded up the river.   [Please select]


While Morton was thus employed the vessel was unmoored, and the white sails swelled out before a favourable north-west wind.   [Please select]


In a few minutes the whole of the Danish galleys were unmoored and started in the pursuit of the supposed Italian vessel.   [Please select]


Unmoored at last, her spirit swaying, enveloped in memories of him, she gave herself to the flood--overwhelmed, as tide on tide rose, rushing over her--body, mind, and soul.   [Please select]

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unmoor - unmoored - unmooring