Sentence example with the word 'upbuilding'


Last update: June 16, 2015


To the upbuilding of this church Asbury gave the rest of his life, working with tireless devotion and wonderful energy.   [Please select]


Jealousy indicates a temperament overbalanced emotionally; therefore, put your force upon the upbuilding of the child's intellect.   [Please select]


This system, beginning in the sixteenth century and lasting through the eighteenth, had for its prime object the upbuilding of national trade.   [Please select]


If he does this willingly and well, he co-operates with his fellow men and assists in the great upbuilding of the nation.   [Please select]


Representatives are flocking abroad on every boat sailing from these shores with schemes and plans for the rapid upbuilding of devastated Europe.   [Please select]


What Sandusky was sensibly intent on was the determination that he should not contribute personally to the further upbuilding of anybody's reputation.   [Please select]


After the court of assistants resumed their meetings in March, 1631, the upbuilding of the theocracy was rapidly pushed.   [Please select]

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upbuild - upbuilding - upbuilt