Sentence example with the word 'usurers'


Last update: July 28, 2015


The huge extent of the latzfondi, or large estates, often results in their being left in the hands of speculators, who exploit both workmen and farmers with such usury that the latter are often compelled, at the end of a scanty year, to hand over their crops to the usurers before harvest.   [Please select]


The Monte de Piedad was founded for the purpose of keeping the poor out of the clutches of the usurers.   [Please select]


The gods are usurers, you know; they lend to mortals, but they exact a desperate interest.   [Please select]


In vain he had appealed to the various usurers of Paris, telling them of his property beyond the ocean.   [Please select]


Kaid has handed us over to the Greek usurers, the Inglesi and the Frank are everywhere.   [Please select]


Our author hath written Alarm against Usurers, containing tried experiences against worldly abuses, London 1584.   [Please select]


If others are usurers, you will discard some former friend on account of treachery.   [Please select]


[602] “He declaimed against usurers, and he himself lent out, at high interest, the money which he got from his estates.   [Please select]


Emperors and Popes, dashing knights and whining usurers, they are all there, doomed to eternal punishment or awaiting the day of deliverance, when they shall leave Purgatory for Heaven.   [Please select]


, and when the least reasonable usurers are satisfied with that rate; if he takes it ill that I have refused him a place of prefect for a tradesman;.   [Please select]

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usurer - usurers - usuries