Sentence example with the word 'vagary'


aberration, caprice, crazy idea, deflection, diagonality, excursion, flimflam, humor, megrim, passing fancy, transverseness

Definition n. an unexpected and inexplicable change in something

Last update: February 1, 2017


With this very odd and very nasty vagary of tropic nature; and as we   [noun]


(See, inter alia, Garrick's Vagary, or England Run Mad; with particulars of the Stratford Jubilee, 1769.) Of his best supporters on the stage, Mrs Cibber, with whom he had been reconciled, died in 1766, and Mrs (Kitty) Clive retired in 1769; but Garrick contrived to maintain the success of his theatre.   [noun]


And more--is his feeling but the vagary of a sensitive boy, or has it the seasoning of suffering manhood to give it endurance.   [noun]


The storm still raged, and she thought it was a vagary of the lightning.   [Please select]


What unaccountable vagary of memory had ever recalled it to him.   [Please select]


One never knew just what vagary the chaplain might put on.   [Please select]


"But the strangest part of the affair is the effect of this vagary, even on a sober-minded man like myself."   [Please select]


There was a composed yet reckless light in his eye--the old veiled gleam of vagary, and paradox, and escapade.   [Please select]

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vagarious - vagary - vagile