Sentence example with the word 'vainglory'


amour-propre, bombast, egoism, haughtiness, overweening pride, self-advertising, self-congratulation, self-endearment, self-importance, self-praise, self-vaunting, vainness

Definition n. outspoken conceit

Last update: February 10, 2016


Of those, again, who maintain the traditional view, some, like Niebuhr and Grote, regard it as convicting Alexander of mad ambition and vainglory, whilst to Kaerst Alexander only incorporates ideas which were the timely fruit of a long historical development.   [noun]


All the vainglory of his nature was aflame.   [noun]


Ned had never before heard words so full of conceit and vainglory, yet the strength and menace were there.   [noun]


His good opinion of himself was indeed sufficiently evident; but there was no crude vainglory.   [Please select]


Was this woman, who begged so audibly to be delivered from pride, vainglory, and hypocrisy, in reality a Christian.   [Please select]


He said he saw nothing in it but foolhardiness and vainglory.   [Please select]


Nothing was easier than to deceive him; but don’t imagine I deceived him from the vainglory of a mere sinner.   [Please select]


Think of the twins in the way of vainglory and hypocrisy.   [Please select]


This, then, is the end of my _apologia pro vita mea_, which I began with so resonant a flourish of vainglory.   [Please select]


A puff of vainglory rises to my brow; I feel the fire of enthusiasm run through my veins.   [Please select]


I wish you well, for a pride founded on self-respect is pleasing in mine eyes; but take heed lest pride degenerate into vainglory.   [Please select]

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vaingloriousness - vainglory - vainly